Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

"Our Ancestors are in our Land, Water, and Air": A Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Researching Environmental Health Concerns with Pictou Landing First Nation - Final Report 2010-2016


Pictou Landing Native Women's Group, Castleden, H., Lewis, D., Jamieson, R., Gibson, J.M., Rainham, R., Russell, R., Martin, D., & Hart, C.

Queen's University


Ce rapport présente les résultats d’un projet participatif communautaire pluriannuel qui a fait appel à une approche à double optique pour déterminer si la pollution provenant d’une usine de pâtes et papiers rendait malades les membres de la Première Nation de Pictou Landing.

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"Our Ancestors are in our Land, Water, and Air": A Two-Eyed Seeing Approach to Researching Environmental Health Concerns with Pictou Landing First Nation - Final Report 2010-2016

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