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Envisioning the Future of Gikinoo'amaagewin Wiigwaam: Urban Land Stewardship at M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre


Shardlow, E.L.

Queen's University


Conducted in partnership with the M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre, this research study focuses on how Indigenous-led organizations can reclaim rights to land, culture, and belonging within urban centres through urban land stewardship. The author explores meanings of environmental stewardship among M'Wikwedong staff and board members, the challenges and opportunities for stewarding land in urban settings, the importance of fostering meaningful relationships with the land, community and culture for urban Indigenous people, and visions for how M'Wikwedong's programming and facility can be aligned with practices and principles of land stewardship.   

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Envisioning the Future of Gikinoo'amaagewin Wiigwaam: Urban Land Stewardship at M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre.

Shardlow, E.L. (2023). Envisioning the future of Gikinoo'amaagewin Wiigwaam: Urban land stewardship at M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre [Unpublished Master of Science thesis]. Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario.

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