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Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - On Our Path to Equitable Access to Quality Care and Services


First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission


This document outlines the FNQLHSSC's ongoing work to advance self-determination in health and social services in First Nations communities of Quebec, with the goal of achieving equitable acess to quality care and services. It outlines the organization's priority focus areas: access to quality care and services, governance, capacity building, healthy lifestyles, and cultural awareness. It also outlines key actions in each of these areas, expected results, and indicators used to measure progress. 

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Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - On Our Path to Equitable Access to Quality Care and Services.

First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission. (2017). Strategic plan 2017-2020 - On our path to equitable access to quality care and services.

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