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The Autoethnography of an Ininiw from God's Lake, Manitoba, Canada: First Nation Water Governance Flows from Sacred Indigenous Relationships, Responsibilities and Rights...


Hill, S.


The author draws on the medicine wheel framework and teachings regarding an Indigenous learning process to investigate Ininiw governance and stewardship of God's Lake. He argues that water governance should be shifted to fall under First Nation self-government and that water be considered as sacred and a health issue rather than a technical or infrastructure one.

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The Autoethnography of an Ininiw from God's Lake, Manitoba, Canada: First Nation Water Governance Flows from Sacred Indigenous Relationships, Responsibilities and Rights....

Hill, S. (2020). The autoethnography of an Ininiw from God's Lake, Manitoba, Canada: First Nation water governance flows from sacred Indigenous relationships, responsibilities and rights to Aski [Unpublished PhD dissertation]. University of Manitoba.

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