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Mind and Spirit: Promoting Mental Health and Addictions Recovery in the Northwest Territories: Mental Wellness and Actions Recovery Action Plan, 2019-2021


Department of Health and Social Services


This action plan is the final deliverable under the Mind and Spirit Strategic Framework, and contains key activities aimed at improving access to mental health and addictions services and creating clear and seamless service and referral pathways between government and non-government providers, including culturally-based and traditional options. The action plan outlines the Department of Health and Social Services' approach to the implementation of the Seamless Care Pathway, a person-centred and holistic approach that includes formal and informal supports and services in order to meet the needs identified by the individual.

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Mind and Spirit: Promoting Mental Health and Addictions Recovery in the Northwest Territories: Mental Wellness and Actions Recovery Action Plan, 2019-2021.

Department of Health and Social Services. (2017). Mind and spirit: Promoting mental health and addictions recovery in the Northwest Territories: Mental wellness and actions recovery action plan, 2019-2021. Government of the Northwest Territories.

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