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The United States does CAIR about cultural safety: Examining cultural safety within Indigenous health contexts in Canada and the United States


Darroch, F., Giles, A., Sanderson, P., Brooks-Cleator, L., Schwartz, A., Joseph, D., & Nosker, R.


In this article, the authors examine the uptake of cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, cultural competence, and cultural safety by health care associations in Canada and the United States, based on a review of their position statements and policies. The authors find that the majority of Canadian health associations included cultural safety in their position statements and policies while in the United States, comparable organizations focused on cultural sensitivity and cultural competence.

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The United States does CAIR about cultural safety: Examining cultural safety within Indigenous health contexts in Canada and the United States.

Darroch, F., Giles, A., Sanderson, P., Brooks-Cleator, L., Schwartz, A., Joseph, D., & Nosker, R. (2017). The United States does CAIR about cultural safety: Examining cultural safety within Indigenous health contexts in Canada and the United States. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28(3), 269-77.

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