Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Thyroid Hormone Levels of Pregnant Inuit Women and Their Infants Exposed to Environmental Contaminants


Dallaire, R., Muckle, G., Dewailly, É., Jacobson, S.W., Jacobson, J.L., Sandanger, T.M., Sandau, C.D., & Ayotte, P.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences


The authors examined prenatal exposure to potential thyroid hormone-disrupting toxicants and thyroid hormone status in pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik, Quebec and their infants in the first 12 months of their life. The authors found little evidence that the environmental contaminants studied affected thyroid hormone status of the mothers and their infants.

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Thyroid Hormone Levels of Pregnant Inuit Women and Their Infants Exposed to Environmental Contaminants

Dallaire, R., Muckle, G., Dewailly, É., Jacobson, S.W., Jacobson, J.L., Sandanger, T.M., Sandau, C.D., & Ayotte, P. (2009). Thyroid hormone levels of pregnant Inuit women and their infants exposed to environmental contaminants. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(6), 1014-1020.

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