Cultural Safety Collection

Enhancing Cultural Safety among Undergraduate Nursing Students through Watching Documentaries


Mkandawire-Valhmu, L., Weitzel, J., Dressel, A., Neiman, T., Hafez, S., Olukotun, O., Kreuziger, S

Nursing Inquiry


This paper asesses the use of documentaries as a tool for training nursing students on how to care for diverse populations. Findings suggest that documentaries can be a useful tool for enhancing students' understandings of the lived realities of diverse populations and critical reflection is needed to avoid stereotyping and further marginalization of different populations. Students reflected on the importance of cultural safety but their actions did not necessarily reflect this, suggesting that students need to further explore their implicit biases to enhance culturally safe care.

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Enhancing Cultural Safety among Undergraduate Nursing Students through Watching Documentaries.

Mkandawire-Valhmu, L., Weitzel, J., Dressel, A., Neiman, T., Hafez, S., Olukotun, O., Kreuziger, S. et al. (2017). Enhancing cultural safety among undergraduate nursing students through watching documentaries. Nursing Inquiry, 26(1), 1-11. 

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