Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Effect of Dietary Calcium Intake on Lead Exposure in Inuit Children Attending Childcare Centres in Nunavik


Turgeon O'Brien, H., Gagné, D., Vaissière, E., Blanchet, R., Lauzière, J., Vézina, C., & Ayotte, P.

Taylor & Francis


This study examined the effect of dietary calcium intakes on lead exposure in Inuit children attending childcare centres in Nunavik. Findings revealed that calcium intake was negatively associated with blood lead levels, while child's age and energy intake were positively associated with blood lead levels, suggesting that consuming foods high in calcium may protect against lead exposure.

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Effect of Dietary Calcium Intake on Lead Exposure in Inuit Children Attending Childcare Centres in Nunavik

Turgeon O'Brien, H., Gagné, D., Vaissière, E., Blanchet, R., Lauzière, J., Vézina, C., & Ayotte, P. (2014). Effect of dietary calcium intake on lead exposure in Inuit children attending childcare centres in Nunavik. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 24(5), 482-95.

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