Tuberculosis Collection

Cultural competence in health care: Delivering culturally appropriate care for tuberculosis in Indigenous communities


Obed, N., Campbell, T., & Whitney, S.

Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health


In this webinar, Natan Obed (President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami), Tina Campbell (TB Advisor, Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority), and Shawna Whitney (Communicable Disease Control Nurse Specialist, First Nations Health Authority) discuss cultural competence in the context of TB care in Canada. They provide an overview of the history and current situation of TB care among Indigenous populations and discuss the importance of culturally appropriate TB care in Indigenous communities and the development of resources to guide such care.

Link to Resource

Cultural competence in health care: Delivering culturally appropriate care for tuberculosis in Indigenous communities.

Obed, N., Campbell, T., & Whitney, S. (2022). Cultural competence in health care: Delivering culturally appropriate care for tuberculosis in Indigenous communities [webinar]. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. 

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